Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ari's story

It's been 2 years to the day since I posted on Ari's Care Page.  Some of you may have wondered what happened.  No new is good news- right?

Well... that's all in the interpretation.  At times there was so much going on, it was overwhelming to write.  Other times things were going so well that I didn't want to revisit any pain or worry by opening up the door to my emotional state... I secretly feared that my words and fragility would collide and emulsify.

This site was set up as a way to celebrate our accomplishments, to share some of the heaviness of the unknown and seek comfort (not pity) for the sadness one can only get from seeing their child suffer.

If you don't know Ari yet, don't worry... you will soon.  His story will inspire you, his smile will charm you, and his personality will capture your heart.

Over the course of the next few weeks, I will post some of my older blogs to get new followers up to date. I look forward to picking up where I left off and sharing Ari's amazing story with you.

I'm also proud to say that with the encouragement from many of you, I have started writing a book.  It has been hard to deal with the emotions as they resurface.  My husband asked me today if I was writing the book for others or as therapy for myself.  A good question indeed... I mulled it over for quite some time.  The answer is, for others.  I truly believe that you will be inspired by our Lion's fight and the ups and downs of his journey.  If some of the weight I carry on my chest gets lifted in the process, then I'd call it a win-win.

Please pass on this blog to everyone you know- the more followers, the better!


  1. what a wonderful idea. And how handsome is he?!!? I'll do a write up on my next blog post to try to get you some more followers

  2. That's amazing, Jody - "that" meaning everything - your mothering, Ari's journey, your and Larry's teamwork, writing a book, your grace and determination. It's an honor to follow your family's journey on your blog. Thinking of you and Ari...
    Your old pal,
    Katie Doyle Myers
